Change the World, Not My Name
Project Roles
Art Director
Guilherme Souza
Nick Stokes
Art Director
Guilherme Souza
Nick Stokes
Art Direction
Art Direction
A project addressing the bias against ethnic names.
Names, especially for individuals from diverse ethnic backgrounds, hold much deeper significance than just a form of identification. They embody home, family honor, cultural authenticity, and a connection to one’s true self.
People with non-English ethnic names often feel pressured to adopt a new name in order to gain social acceptance. This pressure exists whether they are running for president, acting in Hollywood movies, playing in the NBA, or simply living an ordinary life. The cost of using an ethnic name can lead to socioeconomic penalties such as being laughed at, missing out on job opportunities, struggling to buy a home in their desired neighborhood, facing unequal access to education, and experiencing unfair treatment at public events. It's crucial to see people as individuals first, rather than just judging them by their names or titles.
They say, change your name,
Before it’s butchered by others,
Before it’s verbally abused by others,
Before it’s abbreviated for others,
Before it’s renamed by others for the convenience of others,
Before you lose education equality,
Before you lose career opportunities,
Before you lose respect from your classmates, from your teachers, from your coworkers, from the nation you play for.
Before you lose home,
Before you lose qualification to buy a home,
Before you lose ability to go back home,
I say, change the world, not my name,
before I lose my root.